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Direct Response

What is Direct Mail Marketing?

Any type of marketing that is delivered physically via US Mail or other delivery service is considered direct mail marketing. Flyers, catalogs, postcards are all common examples of direct mail that you might send to customers hoping to get them to patronize your business. Of course most marketing these days is largely digital. However, when it’s done right, direct mail marketing can work hand in hand with your other advertising channels to create a marketing campaign that stands out from the crowd.

The Must-Haves of Direct Mail

Direct mailers need to have certain features including something that identifies your business, a way for potential customers to contact you, and an effective call to action. The rest is totally up to you. Your direct mailer can be as creative, dramatic, or minimalistic as you want. Our marketing team at Zoom has the experience necessary to help you create a direct mail campaign that will drive potential clients to your business and increase sales.

Why Does Direct Mail Still Work?

  • Direct Mail is Interactive: Because potential customers physically handle the mail and often look at it before deciding if they will keep it, it automatically gets more eyes on your marketing material. If you include a call to action that requires them to bring the marketing material with them to receive a discount or another promotional offer, the recipient is more likely to keep it.
  • Direct Mail is Memorable: There is something that evokes a feeling of nostalgia when you get a letter in the mail. We sometimes recommend adding a personalized touch like a signature or a handwritten note which may spark an emotional response in the recipient. Your marketing can be made more memorable with small gestures like these.
  • There’s Less Competition: Many companies are scaling back their focus on physical marketing and replacing it with digital marketing. Digital options are environmentally friendly and make it easier to see results, but due to the drop in direct mail, it’s easier to get noticed when you do utilize this option.

The marketing experts at Zoom know that the best marketing campaign is a complete marketing campaign. We always work to utilize every media outlet to its fullest potential for a particular client. If you are interested in learning more about how a direct marketing campaign can help your business grow and thrive, give us a call to set up a free marketing review.

Email Marketing

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